Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


Welcome to Ren & Matt's Curry Adventures!
Follow along as we visit the dodgiest curry establishments that Calgary has to offer!

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8.01.2010      Summer Curry Hiatus?

Ren gets lazy; Matty's review of Hawali


5.02.2010      Smug Travel Writing

Matty heads out for some Kiwi Curry


2.02.2010      The Adventures of Guillermo Valdez

DODGY CURRY 2.0... but not really


12.06.2009      Curry Abroad, Part 1

Waffles, chocolate and beer... oh, and curry, too!


11.01.2009      Long time, no see



07.13.2009      Sometimes it's the reviewers who are dodgy

Let's get the food going, boys!


06.03.2009      A little bit outside the curry district

Country curry cruising and a curry case report.


05.14.2009      A little bit outside the curry district

What do you mean, you're going to Croatia?


02.04.2009      When you're in love, you forget to write curry reviews

(but you get there eventually).


06.01.2009      First reviews of 2009...

... still from restaurant visits in 2008. Our Webmistress took an extended vacation.


16.11.2008      Catching up on curry reviews

Four new reviews for you to stomach!


08.11.2008      Dodgy Curry is on Facebook!

Addicted to Facebook? Good, come see us there!


30.09.2008      When you're out of work, there's no vacation!

... you just stay home and play synthesizers!


18.09.2008      3.5 new reviews!

This week, ren and matt are..... really movin!


15.09.2008      Reviews from abroad

Matt's latest stop: New York City!


12.08.2008      Site Redesign and change of Web host

The site has undergone a bit of a revamp. We had trouble with our free host, ATSPACE.COM, so our Webmistress moved us over to her own personal hosting plan and thought she'd spruce things up a bit in the meantime. Enjoy the new look!

29.07.2008      4 New Reviews!

Count 'em....4 new reviews. You thought we were slacking off....but we've been busy. Too busy to actually get the reviews online.....but now they are. Check it out!!!

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