Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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What You Said:

Bite Into Blogosphere - Michelle Magnan, Calgary Herald
Published Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"We don't know much about the two guys, Ren and Matt, who run this site. If one is to believe their "bio," Matt's history involves everything from starring in Bollywood films to seeing an apparition which gave him "the strength and culinary astuteness of 10,000 Michelin chefs." Whoever they are, Matt and Ren's mission is "to provide the average white man with insight on Calgary's most notoriously dodgy restaurants." With their conversation-style reviews that will make you laugh (and make you hungry), they do it well. "

Subject: curry informant

"Hey Matt, there are a few new curry places in the west winds area, that have not been reviewed by you guys. I would be more than happy to go out on another review. we can try to put something together.


I have tried the YYC taxi stand twice for lunch, and both times it was an amazing experience walking in there, and the food was awesome. thanks for the review. and Bubly has become a favorite for Tanya,and I when we want to eat curry at home, we just phone in the order, and its ready by the time we get there it is ready to go. I love the chili chicken.

- Ryan J.


Subject: YYC Taxi Stand

"Hi Ren and Matt,

I just ate at the “YYC Taxi Stand” and I have some new info for you…

- The official business name is “Calgary Airport Restaurant”
- Just ask the guy behind the counter what’s cooking today, and he’ll rattle off the whole menu

Today’s menu:
- veggie curry with yogurt and cucumber sides and 2 pieces of naan bread for $7
- goat curry with yogurt and cucumber sides and 2 pieces of naan bread for $8
- beef biryani (I didn’t ask the price)
- veggie samosas with homemade sweet or hot sauces for $1.25 each

We tried everything except the biryani, and it was all very good. Thanks for pointing me at this place!"

- Josh G.


Subject: currying in calgary

"Hi Guys,

You are hilarious! stumbled upon your site in my search for good curry reviews in caglary cause I've tried probably 7 and have had no luck - all mediocre leaving me with the feeling I've been scamed AGAIN.

Try Lahore tikka house in toronto if you should go there, they used to be this hut, but I think they're heavily remodeling. I can say they are the best curry house I've EVER had food from.

- Hong N.


Subject: Long time listener, first time caller

"Hey there Dodgy Curry guys,

I have been reading your reviews for a little while now, and I’m always happy to see when new ones are up. I got the notification last night, and I immediately raced to your site to see what wacky hi jinx the curry guys have gotten up to.

Bravo to you for sticking it to the purists who demand that you focus just on the food. I’m not a foody, but I like a good yarn, and my friends, you can spin a good one. I read your reviews not because I am interested in just hearing about the dish, but the entire experience, and if that means descriptions of going into a sketchy/dodgy strip mall, that’s cool. It wouldn’t be Dodgy Curry if we didn’t get a peek at the strange customers or the difficulty in finding a restaurant to review because a) it’s no longer there, b) it’s not serving curry, or c) has weird operating hours – it’s about the quest for good curry, and the interesting things, places, and people encountered on the way.

I’ve even learned a few things, like what a mango lassi is.

Also, I love the interstitial Bollywood dance breaks – reminds me of Sunday mornings growing up in Toronto, watching Eye on Asia on CityTV. Would love to see more!

So thanks for the entertaining reads, and keep on keeping on,

(A friend of Chelsea’s in Ottawa)

P.S: I apologize for not sending this as a smoke signal, interpretive dance, or Bjork song ;)

P.P.S: And also? Best line EVAR: “like a wounded soldier in the forests of Bastogne, I keeled over clutching my abdomen to prevent complete evisceration.” Awesome."

- Jennifer K.


Subject: Surahi Restaurant

"hi there
i was looking on your website recently, and i noticed that you gave Surahi Restaurant (8906 macleod trail) a 3/10. i was recently there, and found out that the restaurant is under new management with new chefs and a new menu. i was there before as well, just prior to your review and i can say the cuisine is much, much better now. definitely one of my new favorites so maybe another review?"

- Ren K.


"cool site ,you should revisit some old places that you have been to and rereview them,id be interested in the new anapurna.i try to go but its closed every time im in calgary.baba ka dabas makes the best goat chops ive tasted hands down.try them out."

- Alan S.


Subject: Vindaloo in my eyes!

"You're website is awesome. Next time I feel like filling a kiddy pool with butter chicken sauce and bikini wrestling with my girlfriends you two should come review the event."

- Mandy G.

P.S. Question for matty; what should I do if I get vindaloo in my eyes?

Answer: Flush your eyes with tepid water for 15-30 mins, ideally in the shower. Have the water rush over the bridge of your nose, not directly into your eyes. You dont have to hold your eyes open, you can blink normally. After the shower, the eyes will be slightly red from the water itself, so rest them with a face cloth for about 10mins. If, at that point you are still experiencing any pain, swelling, irritation, difficulty looking at light or tearing: seek medical exam, ideally at a location with a slit lamp (ie.Emergency/Urgent Care Center).

On discharge from hospital, continue eating the vindaloo.




"I LOVE LOVE LOVE your reviews!!!!!!!!!!! Very entertaining. However, I suggest you try the shai korma mulai and the butter chicken (made with a brandy sauce) at moughul mahal. "

- Laura T.


Subject: Mirchi

"Love the site, guys-

But I've had much more positive experiences at Mirchi- have only been for lunch so maybe there's something different on offer, but I always get the "one meat, one veg" combo with rice (naan is available instead or for extra and it's quite good naan) and get butter chicken and either the potato or mixed veg curry- this is $12.50 and is a clearly insane amount of food, plenty for two or one complete glutton such as I can be. Have never had a problem finding butter chicken, beef curry, goat curry and various veg.

Your story about Raja is indeed sad- is there not an Ethiopian resto there awaiting the same fate?

Take care-"

- John M.


Subject: Calgary Herald

"Can't believe you guys made the Herald for your blog, I always thought it would involve the front page with you handcuffed and covering head with a jacket."
- Jer


Subject: Re: reviews up

"Hey Ren, I read your latest review on Apna Desi Meat Masala, very funny, lol. How do you even find out about these random little places? Does it involve countless hours of driving around in the Curry District??"

- Diane

Thanks!!!  We live to entertain.  We tend to find new places through a combination of driving around, searching the yellow pages, and reader tips, so if anyone spots a local curry joint we haven't reviewed yet, drop us a line. 
Ren and Matt

"I don’t know who Ren and Matt are but they like curry, and are willing to go to every corner of Calgary to try it. They remind me of a couple who’ve been married too long. They’re fun writers, and I’ll even forgive them the blue and green font."

- Andree
are you gonna eat that?

Subject: Baba Ka Dahba Curry

"...we found Baba ka Dahba, as it was mentioned (strangely enough) in CBC Food Critic John Gilchrist's book.  I haven't been since they've redone things (and added that sink) - last time I was there, there was no dividing wall between the lone table and the kitchen.

The website is awesome! Been reading it for a year maybe?

I think Scott A. already emailed you guys - him and I probably go for curry at least 4-5 times a week. Our usual spots are Apna Punjab (they've cleaned up a bit recently, have much better service now and the same awesome food) - and Tiffin (great lunch spot, and it's right next to our office), but we try to hit new places as much as we hit our 'usual' ones. Some places we have been to before you guys get a review for it up, some we go to after we see your review (and some we avoid after seeing your review :P )

I honestly can't recall how I found the website - probably searching the web for new curry places in Calgary I suppose.

Thanks a bunch for some great curry reviews!"

- Matt B.


Subject: love it

"Great set of new reviews boys! We actually looked at going to Saffron last week but I checked your reviews and instead we ate at Baba Ka Dhaba instead. Our dinner was great, and everyone who went with us minus our vegan guest who even if it was vegan would still cry out in anguish over something, not cuz he's vegan but just because he's a wussy. Thanks for all your great reviews and I have to wonder if the guy in the cop chase was in a bait car? Seriously if he was it wasn't his fault, the truck becomes uncontrollable and besides if that happens he should just take a lesson from the revved up disco dancer and just tap his feet outta trouble when he can't walk away from his troubles. Thumbs up great reviews. "

-Kareena (who is not related to Kareena Kapoori)


Subject: Did you know???

"The British Tourist Authority suggests curry as the National Dish in the UK...

Not overly surprising if you've been to London, or any other city centre in England for that matter; and even Scotland and Wales to some extent.
Hell, one of the best curries I've ever eaten was in Pitlochry, Scotland. While I was reluctant to spend more than 10 quid on a meal, being a budget (pauper) backpacker, I must admit it was bloody good and well worth the cash.

I've recently moved to Calgary after living in London, England for a few years and your site will be beneficial should I fancy a curry experience- dodgy or not. YYC will definitely be in order, though I will steer clear in the event that I go on a date. Unless of course he says he's keen for a wild & crazy culinary adventure in which case I might actually commit to a meaningful relationship right then and there. He might be 'the one'?!

Anyway, I'm babbling and going on a tangent (as per usual)...just wanted to say your reviews are wicked funny. Natasha had me read one of your stories while at work the other night; I subsequently read nearly all entries in the past 2 days. Cackling aloud and even the occassional knee slap. Mysore abs...

So cheers for that. I dig the reviews and will check back for upcoming ones."

-Andrea :)


"Ren and Matt:

It is a very select few who enjoy a salted Lassi, probably just all the great world leaders, wine critics and other men of impeccable taste and refinement (which probably explains why Ren doesn’t like them.) Dad obviously didn’t pass along good taste to this offspring. It also appears that in reading his review of Ang’s culinary skills, tact was another quality that didn’t get passed along. I demonstrate -  Ren’s Mother cooked up a chicken curry this week that I would rate at least an 8 on your scale. Great basmati rice as well. It’s too bad that Ren’s mother didn’t care for it herself. (Perhaps this is where Ren inherited his taste). The side bar to this is that Dad got to eat the delicious left-overs the next day, in fact I might even get Ren’s Mother to attempt another curry ant some future occasion – what do you think Ren’s chances are? One might also question Ren’s tack when referring to Dad as a “twisted ass freak”. I wonder if too many mango lassi’s does this. I’d suggest a diet of the salted variety to see if good taste and tack are related personal qualities. I also wonder if there is a hidden meaning in Matt’s “football tickets for the men you love, rings for the women you love comment”? This sound like dangerous territory to be exploring – perhaps Matt could use a salted Lassi or two as well.  For those lovers of salted Lassi’s (the drink not the dog), and Ren that would be Lassi not Daisy, a very good substitute is ice cold buttermilk with a dash of salt and a liberal sprinkling of fresh black pepper. "

- Dad


"I be a fellow Calgarian who has eaten at nearly every place you mention and notice that most of your reviews are spot on!

Good job on the website.

If you have not already, it is mandatory to buy John Gilchrists new 6th edition book. He seems to have added several new places that are quite worthwhile since his last edition.

You seem to be missing Bhaba da Khaba. Until I read your review of the taxi stand place, it was my choice for dodgiest. Nothing beats eating at the table at the take out counter. You just pay a few dollars per person and he brings out food until you burst.

I am a regular at both Tiffin (being that it is 2 blocks from my office) and Apna Punjab.

As of last week a new manager took over at Apna and it appears they have filled the shortage of staff. He immediately picked on our regular status and came over and chatted us up. They have new menus and seem to have taken the lady who sneezes on the cutlery off that duty. (ya but the food is sooo good, and who uses cutlery anyhow, naan is so much tastier)

I used to live down the street from Puspa and enjoyed the service, Clay oven is in fact very good, My experience at Village was better than yours, the fish pakora was awesome. And what is up with the prices at Namskar, only went once.

We have often wondered, "who are the other white people who frequent such places", well, now we know who all of them are."

- Scott A.

"Hey- cool site- much better than my other buddies calgary dodgy curry review site. Say hi to the hand for me. C-train pubcrawl again soon.

- Jeff


"Wow!  Your new site is much better!!!  I love it.  I have updated my bookmarks and I think having the reviews listed in bullet form (with little samosas!  How cute!) is much more efficient and provides easier navigation!  If you ever are looking "guest" reviews I have plenty!  I spend at least two days a month searching for good curry.  I'm picky, though, and am kind of a Korma expert, if I may say so myself!  We just gave Glory of India a second chance three days ago and we're checking out Mysore Ass on Monday."

Keep the reviews coming and thanks for having such a great site!"

- Jeanne


"So I'd like to suggest that the Dodgy Curry website add a map of Calgary with wee (or large) dots indicating where you've been, and then links to the reviews (although the links thing might be a pain).  This would be great for the oodles of people like me who can't remember the name of that restaurant down the street or that one near my mother in laws until I'm driving past, and then I forget that name within 13 seconds. No really - I timed it. 13 seconds. Amazing.

And since I can't remember the name, I can't search your site for that place to see just how dodgy it is. I'm a near curry virgin and I need help.

Much curried warmth;"

-Cara (that gal that Howorko knows)


"Ren is such a awesome curry-man. If I was a hot, attractive young lady, I'd sex him up right here and now. Matt smells like draino."

- Ren


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