Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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Ren's Mystery Curry-Type Dish - August 26th, 2008 (Ren's House)

I was feeling left out as Matty was down in new york city eating delicious currys, watching baseball games and generally having a good time.  I did go for a couple currys but made sure to hit places I’ve been before to guarantee quality.  It’s fun going out for a meal and just not knowing how it’s going to be, but sometimes you need the certainty that the old favourites provide.

Ren's Mystery Curry-Type DishOne night however, I was craving a curry but it was just too late to head out.  I also didn’t really have any appropriate meat or rice in the house, despite having some pre-made Indian sauces in the cupboard. So I decided to improvise.  

I generally find that the essentials for serving curry are, the curry itself, and then some rice to soak it up and/or some naan to use to eat with your hands.  I had no rice and I had no naan.  For a lot of meals rice can be substituted with another starch.  I had no potatoes but I did have noodles.  Being a bachelor I always watch for the grocery store’s sales on case-packs of Kraft Dinner, and I just happened to have a whole bunch on hand.  I also had a stray can of India House – Punjabi Chole that I’d gotten at Wal-Mart just to see how it was. 

Ren's Mystery Curry-Type DishSo, I had my ingredients picked out, now how to combine them? I decided to cook the KD as usual (cause crunchy noodles are silly), but stop at the mixing phase.  I decided to use the cheese powder as usual but then substitute the Chole for the milk and butter. 

The result was an unappetizing-looking blend of greyish-yellow with macaroni and chick peas.  The flavour however was awesome.  The cheese and mild curry tastes went together like magic, and the noodles and chole made for a fascinating mix of textures. Also this dish is very high in fiber (like all chole’s) so it’s good for you.  And it would make a good secret weapon if you just happen to have been entered into a flatulence competition against your will.

Total price…about $3.  I can’t really objectively score myself so someone out there duplicate this dish and tell me what you think, I’ll modify the score to reflect your rating.


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