Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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Bombay Curry House - September 2005 (San Francisco, USA - Matty)

This one is all matty....I've eaten 1/2 of my NASA curries and plan to eat the rest this week and give my review of all 4 I got...... (ren)

Bombay Curry House – Chestnut Street - San Francisco, California. 

Well, I got the itchy travel feet again and with a 4 day weekend, it made sense to get out of town. I found some cheap airfare to San Francisco and after several ridiculously snide comments by, of all people, my mom and sister about me possibly turning gay, I was off to the Bay Area. 

San Fran is a cosmopolitan city and while there’s a tonnes of tourist stuff to do, I was sure that I could also probably find some Indian food. I set up camp in a dodgy motel in the Marina district away from the tourist traps of Fisherman’s wharf. After all there’s a big difference between a traveler and a tourist. And so it was that, I put on my Miami Vice blazer and hit the streets to hang out with the dotcommers, uberposh and hellacool. 

Two doors down from the Horseshoe Tavern on Chestnut Street is the Bombay Curry House. It’s a long narrow restaurant with the approximate dimensions of a standard airplane fuselage. An old man, almost certainly a widower or a life long bachelor, was the only person dining there when I walked in. He sat in pain, unaware that his napkin had fallen to his feet while nervously writing things down in a tiny notebook. I imagined this is what I will look like at the age of 70 if I don’t have the massive heart attack at 30. This probably did little to add to atmosphere. 

It’s a husband and wife operation and I tell the wife that I eat curry once a week so as to give her an idea of how spicy the dish should be. Dining without Ren tonight, I take the opportunity to have the pappadums (which Ren hates as much as I hate butter chicken) with mango chutney as an appatizer. Decent, but nowhere near as good as tomato soup. My mango lassi was overfilled with ice, lending it to spillage on my Miami Vice coat. For the main coarse, I selected Fish Curry Madras. I wanted to order naan but got pressured by the waitress to get the combination plate with rice and dessert instead. Why are Indian people always insisting on the combination platter? Probably cause Indian dessert sucks ass and it’s the only way to get rid of it. Bastards. The Fist Curry arrived completely underspiced, leaving me helladissapointed. I refused dessert on this basis. 

Really, there weren’t that many positive to my San Franciscan curry experience other then to say that it inspired me to get absolutely “ripped” in Marina later on. The owners are friendly but I can’t give the meal any more then a generous 6 elephantitis feet out of 10. 

3 people not seen at the Restaurant:

  1. Rick James
  2. Don Mattingly
  3. Robert Goulet


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