Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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YYC Taxi Pool Snackbar - September 2nd, 2005

So we're driving home from a curry-bust.  And we're all hungry and disappointed.  Well...acting on a hot tip from one of matty's co-workers we decide to try out the "place the cabbies at the airport eat at".  Sounds like a good plan.  Except we don't know where it is (besides airport) and we don't know what its called (and we still don't).  So we drive to the airport and matt sticks his car in the short-term parking.  So if we can't find the place and we leave quick at least we're not paying for parking.  (ren)

We pulled into the short-term parking and walked back toward the hack stand where about 50 cabs were lined up. Unsure where to begin, I asked one of the drivers if he knew where I could get a curry. He pointed to a non descript building at the back of the line up and before long we were hanging out in what can only be described as a bus depot cafeteria. Except, there were only cab drivers present and no signs of buses. Most of the cabbies (all of whom were either playing cards, chess or for some reason, volleyball) appeared to be either from India, Pakistan or Sri Lanka. A good sign for sure. It was a bit Twillight Zonish and I think the 3 of us were probably the first white guys the place had seen in some time.  (MM)

The only item listed for food was "fish pakora's 7.99/lb." So matty orders some and after being told they only had 1/2lb left we say sure.  There seemed to be some samosa's made up back there and there were a few sweets in a display case but not much else going on foodwise.  A couple cabbies came and got coffees and tea's while we waited too.  (ren)

While the selection wasn’t great, the food certainly is. And really you can’t beat the atmosphere. It’s like the YMCA; you get to hang out with all the boys. Jeff and I debated about whether we would bring a woman here on a first date. This probably provides insight on why we’re still single. (MM)

Matt figured the pakoras seemed to be made from salmon....very strange indeed but they were super tasty and only $5 for the "its a little more than 1/2lb" that we got.  They were served on a styrofoam plate with some hot sauce and some yoghurt sauce. 

As we were leaving I noticed a man eating a full meal of some sort (some kinda cholle or dhal it looked like) so I think we'll have to go back sometime.  I'm not sure if there's an easier way to get there than jay-walking across 5 lanes of airport traffic but its worth the potential disaster to try the food....and to say you've been here. (ren)

Next time you have a flight: Go to this place. We’re not even sure what it’s called. But were gonna give it 9/10. 

YYC Taxi Pool Snackbar

(also in a bizarre twist....the man behind the counter appeared to be an indian Jim Croce) 


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