Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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Moti Mahal - October 28th, 2005

Ren and I get hundreds of requests from people to dine out with them at selected Indian restaurants and show off our culinary knowledge.  When I say hundreds, I more accurately mean 5 people have asked me. But that doesn’t sound as cool. And so it was that I arranged an introduction to curry dinner at Moti Mahal. After all, even to the trained eye, navigating an Indian menu can be challenging if not unnerving.  (matty)

Admitedly it was a very well written menu.  Sorted into basic categories of chicken/fish/veg/lamb/dhal etc.  Very good descriptions of the menu items and lots of pictures.  I'd been here before and the menu wasn't as easy to navigate then but the food was amazing.  I went in hoping to have an amazing meal. (ren)

We had the good fortune of dining with 9 other people (I hope they leave their comments).  I think this is what Indian food should be about. Good people getting together to chow down on some tasty food while conversing about dentistry, pharmacy and toxicology. Lacking a knowledge these subjects doesn’t mean you can’t eat Indian food. It just means that you’re cooler then the 11 people who were dining on this occasion. (matty)

The restaurant has a good reputation and I think it’s a good place to dip your feet into the masala river (maybe not if you have athlete’s foot). The layout of the menu is among the best I’ve seen with photos and simple explanations of the dishes. Failing this, your waiter will be happy to show you up. Which unfortunately for us, was the case. While waiting for half of our party to arrive, he insisted on pressuring us into ordering rather than waiting on the rest of the group to arrive. Not a good start. Then he proceeded to list off 8 dishes that he recommends. While recommendations from a waiter are always important, typically this should be done with more etiquette then that of say, an auctioneer.  (matty)

I had the same impression of the waiter as matty.  I found him to be quite pushy and condescending.  Sometimes he even seemed to be annoyed with us for taking up his time.  These are things that I'm no longer suprised at when I am being served by the 65yr old owner of an indian establishment, and actually matty and I have often gotten a good laugh out of these kind of antics.  However coming from the hired-help...a white dude no less,  who probably gets most of his income from the tip that was being automatically added to our checque....  it was pretty damned annoying and basically unacceptable.   (ren)

As for the food: The mango lassis were spot on delicious. I resorted to an old favorite, Chicken Tikka Masala that was also done to perfection. Our buddy Jeff must have been reading the Nasim’s review because made a very knowledgeable selection when he chose the Jeera Chicken. Other dishes, sampled on the night were: Lamb masala, Fish Masala, a mushroom Paneer, Sheesh kebab, butter chicken, rogan josh and my personal favorite: THE SIZZLER! (aka the Moti Special). Pretty much all food in India looks the same (mush) except “the sizzler” which looks likes like something you would order at Sizzler or at Kelsey’s. Nice to see it on the menu. (matty)

This is where matty and I disagreed on our Moti Mahal experience.  My rogan josh was not very satisfying.  The lamb itself was excellent, nicely spiced and tender.  However, the sauce was runny and relatively uninteresting.  Every rogan josh I've ever had has consisted of large chunks of tomato and meat in a very thick tomato-based sauce.  This was more like greasy tomato-flavoured lamb gravy.  Ang had the butter chicken and it too was off.  Once again the meat was delish.....but the sauce was off.  If I didn't know in advance what she'd ordered I'd never have guessed it was butter chicken.  This is not to say that it was was delicious.  But it was kinda like ordering a steak and being brought out a wonderful slice of lasagna.  (ren)

It was a good night out but the consensus between me and Ren was that our waiter Faranged us. He noted a slight lack of experience and started telling us how much naan we should order. The reason you don’t see that many Indian families at Indian restaurants is for this reason alone. They hate being cut off in the naan-ordering department. For the sake of Apu, let the people have as much naan as they want!   (matty)

The naan was definitely an issue for me.  I was very glad I'd ordered 2 naan for myself because when the meal was over I'd only eaten 1 and the bowls were empty.  I had the garlic naan and it was good but I noticed that the plain naan was possibly a bit too burnt.  Also the rice service was horrible.  When a group of 11 people is sharing rice you need to bring more than one plate.  No-one that I saw at the table had taken very much by the time it came to me last and I ended up cleaning off the plate giving myself  hardly any rice at all.  Also one of our party was a bit late and ordered after the rest of us had recieved our meals.  Cheers to the kitchen for getting her meal out in record time.  Jeers to the serving staff for not checking to see if there was any rice left for her.  Finally when she was nearly 1/2 finished her meal they came around and brought more of the fluffy white goodness.  (ren)

Matty wanted to give the meal a 7 but after some discussion we lowered it a bit to reflect the service and the unexpected variation from form of the rogan-josh and butter chicken.

6 elephantitis feet/10. Next time, I bring $250 of business to your store, I better freaking get all the damn naan I want and be able to take my time ordering it.

Not seen at the Restaurant:

  1. Keith Moon
  2. Warren Moon
  3. Those stuffed animals from the Quizno’s ad: "We Love the Moon"


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