Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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Ren and Matt’s 30th B’day Curry Extravaganza  - October 26th, 2007 - Matt's House

Some how between not crashing a sports car into a brick wall or drowning in a giant tidal wave, Ren and I have managed to stay alive for 30 years. To mark this glorious occasion, we decided to throw a big party.  We sent out mass emails and got about 30 people who decided they cared about us enough to come and eat our grub and drink our wine. Some on the other hand, responded to our emails with lame excuses like “my real friends are in town that night”, “my husband Sam plays hockey that night”, “I have to work”.  Worse yet, some people confirmed their attendance, made us count them in our curry order, and then didn’t show. Their names are published here to shame them.

  1. Heather Gillespie
  2. Theresa Thomas and guest
  3. Loa B and her 2 guests

For the second year in a row, matty decided to treat his friends to some curry.  This year I weaseled my way in as co-host.  This allowed me to invite all sorts of riff-raff to matts house, as well as get to pay for a portion of the curry and claim a portion of the left-overs for lunches.  Overall, not a bad deal.  Thanks to everyone who came out.  (ren)

Pug Lucha LibreFor food, we went with a product we believed in and that was reasonably close my house. Sharon and Shef from Shef’s Fiery Kitchen prepared a vat full of butter chicken, aloo gobi, samosa and rice. They threw in some nice chutneys just for kicks. The butter chicken was the perfect taste of sour and the aloo gobi was very spicy and flavourful. They don’t mess around at Shef’s.  We highly recommend them. Too bad they put a dent in my wall carrying in the food.  Oh well, it was bound to happen from some rowdy party goer anyways. (matt)

Pre-party matt consulted me numerous times to ask about where we should get the curry.  One thing we didn't want to do was risk a new place we hadn't sampled before.  As much fun as we have going out for 2/10 reviews....we didn't really think we wanted to treat our friends to the experience.   Remembering the fantastic take-out we had from Shef's during the summer, matt ended up going with them again, and they did not disappoint.  (ren)

Between countless birthday cards, bottle openings and gag gifts (including 2 kick ass Mexican Wrestling masks), our guests enjoyed second and third helpings of the grub. At the end of the night almost everyone went home with leftovers. I got fat on curry lunches for 2 straight weeks. That’s about how long it took to rid my home of the smell of butter chicken. (matt)

A couple days after the party I headed by matty's to pick up something he'd left in his mailbox for me.  Even the outside of his house smelled of butter chicken.  Fan-freaken-tastic.  I've taken to making daisy wear my lucha-libre mask to bed every night.  I figure if my house is ever broken into I stand about a 50/50 chance of her scaring the guy off before I even wake up.  (ren)

Here’s a random list of things that happened 30 years ago in 1977(other than our parents engaging in some filthy act of baby making):

  • January 29: Actor Freddie Prinze commits suicide.
  • February 11: A 44lbs 9 oz lobster is caught off the coast of Nova Scotia
  • March 27: The Tenerife Disaster – A KLM and Pan AM jet collide killing 583, making it the single worst aviation accident ever (outside of 9/11)
  • April 7: The Toronto Blue Jays play their first game
  • May 7: Pierre Elliot Trudeau does a pirouette behind the back of Queen Elizabeth II
  • June 5: The first Apple II computers go on sale
  • July 13: The lights go out in NYC for 25 hours leading to mass looting and disorder.
  • August 10: The Son of Sam (David Berkowitz) is captured.
  • September 8: Interpol issues that damn anti-piracy warning you see before every movie you play at home. How’s that working out?
  •  October 1: Pele plays his first game with the New York Cosmos
  • November 22: The first Concorde flight between London and New York
  • December 16: CBS airs The Nutcracker Ballet for the first time.


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