Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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Delice Café - October 1st, 2007 7-920 Northmount Drive NW

This is the curry review for Delice Café. If you are a frantic parent attempting to de-lice your child and have has stumbled on this site in error, have no fear. We can also help you with that. The directions for the use of Nix (Permethrin 1%) cream rinse are as follows:

  1. Wash hair with regular shampoo
  2. Rinse hair and towel dry
  3. Shake product well
  4. Apply permethrin cream rinse so that the hair and scalp are wetted thoroughly  and leave it on for 10 minutes
  5. Rinse off well and dry with a clean towel
  6. If you’re not a complete idiot, 1 treatment is usually enough but check your kid in 7-10 days. Retreatment may be needed at that time if you were too lazy to wash bedding, towels and clothing in hot water for 20 minutes or decided not to use that ridiculously small nit comb included in the box.  Seriously. Your kid has lice. Do your part.  And don’t let them play with that Johnson kid down the street.
  7. No. This product isn’t gonna cause your child to have brain damage.  And even if it does, what are you realistically going to do about it? Let him walk around your house with cooties? I don’t think so.
  8. Shaving your child’s head and dousing it in gasoline will only end up traumatizing your child.  

Now that we’ve dealt with the obligatory pediculosis part of our review, we can move onto the task of reviewing the food.

In a bizarre twist of fate Ren and I both had Monday afternoon off.  What better way to negate that hour and half of exercise I did at the gym this morning than clogging my pores with masala and making myself a fatter curry bastard than I already am?  (matt)

Delice CafeI play hockey on friday I have to gorge myself especially gluttonously (holy crap... my spell-check recognizes that as a word) to balance out the awesomeness of a hockey workout.  Matt unfortunately called me while I was doing a favour for angela and getting some nails removed from her tire.  I don't know where the hell she drives.... but I'm starting to think it's the “fasteners” aisle at home depot. With my luck, the shop managed to snap one of the wheel studs and needed to get a replacement shipped in....a simple 10 minute tire repair ended up taking 2 and a half hours.  Yuck.  At least it only cost $6.93  (ren)

I arrived at Delice first. My first impressions were that Delice doesn’t know what it wants to be. One side of the restaurant is devoted to selling sausage rolls and Jamaican paddies to kids from the neighborhood high school. Next to that is a giant ice cream cooler.  The dining room consists of 3 tables. Next to one of them, is an old stove. There is junk all over the place. It may well be a fire hazard. As I sat waiting for Ren, I was forced to watch what appeared to be a bad CBC rip off of The Apprentice meets America’s Next Top Designer. If your reality show is in the Monday afternoon time slot between Wind at My Back and Fishin’ Canada, you know it’s poor.  (matt)

Delice Mango LassiRen arrived and the waitress explained to us that not all items on the menu were available due to some recent plumbing problems at the restaurant. This confused me and made me very weary. What possible plumbing issue could affect the menu? Were the items unavailable because they had been contaminated by sewage? I didn’t ask. Instead we just ordered mango lassis while further perusing the menu.  The lassis were infused with spice and bordered on chewy. Bizarre. (matt)

The lassi was very strange.  Through the whole meal I was trying to decide whether i was enjoying the drink or not.  I think my father would probably like it.  He of peppered buttermilk, salted lassi, twisted-ass-freak fame.  Oh was mango flavoured and therefore still somewhat sweet and tasty instead of just strange and bizarre.  (ren)

Delice Café is East African curry. We can’t think of too many places other than maybe Nasims that will do this type of curry.  There were a number of dishes we’ve never seen before. I decided on the consonant-heavy Njani Mbichl Chicken. It consisted of chicken cooked in butter sauce, cashews and cilantro.  Ren went with a lamb dish, Karai Ghosh. They were both excellent. Adequately spiced with a healthy serving of the respective meats.  Plus, both meals were extremely fresh and came with rice.  (matt)

Delice CafeI think Samosa Grill over by the PLC also bills itself as east african/indian....however they tend to cater to the patients of the hospital who are suffering from stomach ailments such as, but not limited to, gastritis, bleeding, ulceration, and cancer and therefore do not bother to actually spice any of their dishes.  The lamb from Delice however was fantastic.  Once i got over the initial shock of how almost sour my dish was, i quite enjoyed it.  As well it seemed to bring out the flavor of the lassi nicely.  (ren)

 In a surreal moment, the long bearded owner presented himself to us to make sure everything was to our liking. I am almost certain that his shirt was blood stained. Perhaps he had just finished slaughtering Ren’s lamb. Then, having ensured we were satisfied, he proceeded to play the Lion King soundtrack while we ate. This confused us.  And made us feel slightly gay. (matt)

If you are tired of eating standard curries and are looking for some East African food, we recommend Delice Café. It is definitely a different vibe. While the experience is rather surreal, the food trumps any concern we have for our own safety (or yours for that matter), be it via fire hazard or plumbing emergency.  We give Delice an 8.


Not at the restaurant:

  1. Super Mario (Video Game Plumber)
  2. Mary Leakey (wife of Louis Leakey/archaeologist)
  3. Loki (the personification of Fire from Norse Mythology




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