Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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Matt's House – October 14th, 2006

I wasn't sure if i was going to review this one or not.....but then matty decided to send me a review so I knew I had to do one as well.  I think he was trying to fire a preemptive strike to prevent me from bashing him.....but by emailing it to me to forward to our web-mistress,  he basically just provoked me.  Bwahahaha.

Mud WrestlingI mean really.....who reviews their own house.  That would be like if I went around at some random housewarming party and suggested people check out Matt's webpage cause that guy he writes his reviews with is a genius.  Oh wait...I did that.  Er....nevermind...on to the review.

When matty originally mentioned his party plans we discussed our future plan to try to get takeout from 10-12 different places on the same night and have a head-to-head curry battle to the death.  However this was vetoed partially because I had a conference all day saturday and would not be able to help pick up the food....and partly because “curry battle to the death” has a little too much potential to turn into some kind of bizarre mud-wrestling hybrid. 

While I think some of the folks who camped out in the basement and drank their weight in alcohol would have embraced this concept, i think the majority of the guests would have rather watched the hockey game and stayed clean.  We will do the “Currymania : Curry Battle To the Death” at a future date.  Send us an email to get on the invite list. 

The menu matt decided upon was veg samosa's, butter chicken, aloo gobi, naan, and rice.  I have no comment on the butterchicken other than that it was a very good example of the  dish..... also seeing the costco-sized tub there for my eating pleasure brought a tear to my eye.  I normally dislike aloo gobi but this one was pretty good.  Nice curry flavour and not too much cauliflower nastiness.  The naan was sub-par and the rice was rice-ey.... whats a guy gonna say about rice.  The samosa's were ok.  Pretty small and flat....not too spicy.  I wouldn't have been surprised to find out that these were picked up from the Sobey's deli on the way over. 

Matt's CockI have to dock points for there being no mango lassis available with our meal.  However the beer and wine were plentiful and free flowing. 

On to the ambiance.  Matt's home has very nice hardwood floors.  He has some nice black and white photo's from his world travels and he had a tv with the hockey game on.  Did I mention that the beer and wine were plentiful and free-flowing?  I also can't forget to mention matt's glorious cock.  Its black with white speckles and was often the subject of conversation.  People just couldn't get enough of rubbing and petting matt's cock.  I think one guest even tried to shove it in her pants.  I can't say I'd ever noticed matt's cock before this evening, but I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it on future visits. 

Well....thats enough out of me for now.  I'll let matty have the last word.  Also, since matt has flown off to europe for the next couple weeks, this will be our last review before Halloween.  Check out our special indian Halloween music video. 

Matt’s Housewarming Party – Taj Mahal Catering - October 14th, 2006

After being prodded by numerous people, I decided I’d finally show my new pad off. Anytime you have a party, it’s a great idea to put a little spin on things. Since the pirate party theme has been done to death and the “slavery” theme has yet to take off (trust me its coming), I decided to go with the “love of curry” theme for my guests. Thoughts of cooking curry for 40-50 of my friends was vetoed by Ren, since he wanted no part of  being associated with a massive food poisoning incident. Plus, this way I could down more wine.

Hence, the catering section of the yellow pages was consulted. I was surprise by how many Indian places will cater. I placed calls to Rajdoot, Maurya, and Taj Mahal. I elected to go with Taj Mahal because it’s a name that people know and trust and they were immediately able to put me in touch with Bindoo, their kitchen manager. Bindoo was professional and easy to work with. I told her I was looking for a laid back vibe in terms of the food; nothing too formal. After a discussion about people’s preferences and curry experience, it was decided that we would go with Veggie Samosas, Butter Chicken, Aloo Gobi, Naan and Rice. She also offered to throw in some dessert but since Indian dessert is horrid, this idea was ixnayed. They delivered the food for a nominal charge so I didn’t have to have Ren pick it up. 

The food was pretty good. Butter Chicken tasted like butter chicken and the Aloo Gobhi was extremely flavourful. Naan and Samosa were probably sub-par. Overall I was happy with the catering experience. It obviously isn’t cheap but might be a good option for anyone who prefers socializing with their guests rather than slaving in the kitchen. 

As for the party, thanks to all who showed up. Highlights included having to forcefully remove a megaphone from Dave’s hands (damn OTs!), a cheese eating contest won by Ms. Dauk, Ren making countless jokes about my rooster and the consumption of copious amount of vino, especially by the nursing staff from Bethany. Good times all around. Maybe I should buy at house more often.

Invited to the party but refused to come:

  1. Lawerence Gowan (He’s a strange animal.)

  2. Yerzahn Ashykbayev (Kazahstan Foreign Ministry)

  3. Kim Jong Il

Kim Jong Il

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