Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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Subway UK and Air Canada Flight 851 - November 7th, 2006

The Famous Subway ToiletThe curry culture in England has transcended out of the curry houses in the Banglatowns and into modern commercial/pop culture. Basically, you can get curry at any restaurant or “foodage” serving establishment. I obviously had to take advantage of this by eating curry at 2 non-traditional curry sites.


I’m almost certain Jarred didn’t lose that weight by eating the Chicken Tikka sub, but hey, if he was East Indian, he might have. But then again, his name probably wouldn’t be Jarred. It would likely be Raj or something. Looking back at the archives, Ren has actually reviewed Subway, but I thought I’d give it another chance to see if there was any improvement.

I first noticed Subway’s Chicken Tikka Sub outside the Birmingham Moor Street Station. Subway has really taken off in the UK and the queue was quite long. The sub goes for like 3 pounds for a six-inch. Not cheap at all. And it really wasn’t that rewarding to be honest with you. I probably wouldn’t order it again. My advice, go to Marks and Spencer (M&S) or Pret a Manger and you can probably find a better curried sandwich for half the price.

Air Canada Flight 851

My flight from Heathrow to Calgary was quite enjoyable. Not only did I not have to contend with a toddler with amoebic dysentery seated next to me, (like I did on the way to England) I also had some kick ass food. A few years ago, Air Canada ran commercials on TV saying they were apologizing to people like Yves Langois, “who wanted sleep but got string beans instead”. My advice to Yves: If you’re on AC 851, make sure you’re awake when the meal service comes around.

For afternoon snack, the SkyChefs apparently decided that Chicken Balti Wraps would be a good idea. They were extremely tasty. I was so pleased in fact, I asked for a second round. Bravo to Air Canada for serving a good curry. They’re an excellent international airline and, unfortunately, a very crappy domestic service. I’d probably choose them over WestJet if I knew I could eat curry on my next flight to Saskatoon.

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