Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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Curry 'n' Hurry - May 29th, 2005

Matt's Version of things

Location: Okay, I can’t actually comment on the location cause while Ren was picking up the takeout curry I was hanging out at another of Calgary’s dodgy establishments; the Bus Depot. Please accept the description of the terminal instead: Stagnant, boring with guitar playing hobos watching “The Best of Coronation Street” on black and white TVs.

The Appies: Free PAKORAS!

Classification: Very tasty The Rest of the Meal: Classification: Dysguesia (Taste disorder). I was thinking I was man enough to handle the Chicken Vindaloo. Guess again. There’s nothing worse then having your taste buds anesthetized on the first bite thereby rendering them useless for the rest of the meal. Really, I might as well have been getting the curry via intravenous. All spice and no flavour. I think they even pooched the rice. And I don’t even do that when I cook at home. Only go to Curry-n-Hurry if you’re in the neighborhood. And only buy the free pakoras.

Three People we didn’t see at the restaurant.

  1. Gino Reda
  2. Al Jolson
  3. Mayor Dave Bronconnier

How Ren Saw It know its dodgy when the letter "n" is used as a word. Surgery 'n' Hurry. Well, based on some recommendations we found while searching the web we decided to try this place. And I can honestly say it was in a hurry. From tuscany it was only about a 15 min drive to and from the place (which is nothing by Calgary standards). Food was ready when I got there but when paying they asked if it was my first time there. It was, so I said yes. Cause thats what you say in that kind of situation. Well...the lady says, oh, in that case I'll give you free appetizer. So I figured of course that i'd be getting some dodgy 5 hr old bag of samosa's that some jerk ordered but never picked up. Nope. She runs back to the freezer and comes out with a handful of god-knows-what and tosses it into the deep-fryer. Minutes later I had a bag of fryer-fresh pakoras. Yum yum. So big bonus there.

Overall impression of the place itself. Kinda dodgy stripmall, but clean inside. And the smell. Oh I just about fell down it was soooooo good. The place is basically one big room with a counter dividing the waiting area from the cooking area. I probably could have run back and fried up some pakoras myself if i was a little more motivated. But i wasn't so i just chatted with the 2 owners while they gave me my food and prepared other orders. Really friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

So i get the food home. And holy crap....theres someone in my house. So I break the basement window and sneak up the stairs. Grabbing my samurai sword along the way and carefully cradling the curry under my arm I confront the intruder. Turns out it was matty and his sister. Forgot he had the garage code. So we busted out the food.

On the menu we had 4 dishes between the diners. Chicken vindaloo for matty, Navratan Korma for his sis, Lamb Rogan Josh for me and Butter Chicken for ang. We also had some plain rice, some jeera/saffron rice and some plain naan. Also we got 2 roti, because I am a stupid idiot and i can't read #38 garlic naan and instead tell the guy #39 roti when i read the freaken menu. Oh well. Back to school. The rogan josh was a little thin compared to what i'm used to. Flavour was ok, but lacking a bit. I dunno. Just didn't knock my socks off like previous rogan josh's have. Matts sister seemed to like the Korma. From my small taste it was sweet, creamy and vegetably. Not really my cup of tea, but it probably could pass for dessert at some tables. Chicken vindaloo was very aromatic and smelled extremly hot and interesting. However upon tasting I found the flavour dissappeared on the tongue....and all you were left with was the heat (and it wasn't that hot). Honestly the Pataks curry in a can vindaloo i made once was hotter and much, much tastier. The butter chicken was the star of the show for me. I only sampled a bit because it belonged to someone else who has the power to kill me in my sleep, but it was tasty. I'd pass on the rest of the menu but I'd try the butter chicken again. Creamy, and sweet and a bit spicy. YUM!!!! Too bad Matty is boycotting butter chicken because it supported apartheid.

Overall, we couldn't rate the place all that high, 2 out of 4 meals were not as good as what matt and I expected. One was good and one was bizarre but that was his sisters fault, neither of us would have ordered it even if we were plastered drinking Lal Toofan. Overall the restaurant wasn't very dodgy, nice and open and clean....and hell its in a stripmall deep in a NW suburb not named Bowness. Its probably gonna be ok. Gringo friendliness is high, very friendly, menu easy to understand with good descriptions. But overall rating 5 of 10. (butterchicken 7 of 10)




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