Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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Nasim's Revisited - May 25th, 2005

MATT here: We liked Nasim’s so much we had to try the buffet. Unfortuanately, it didn’t live up to the full menu experience. I burnt my hand on the thongs while trying to grab the Naan which was probably sitting under the heat lamp for 2 hours. The highlight of the buffet if there was one, was the Daal Tarka, which our friend Renae from Melbourne, Australia would definitely have enjoyed. Its nice to see some spice and flavour in this traditionally bland lentil dish. (There you go Renae. Now quit sending us email asking us to exclusively do Calgary Daal reviews). Ultimately, the rest of the buffet was at best satisfactory and lacking in variety. 6 Dar heads out of ten. Only go to Nasims for dinner.

Ren here: I can't say it was horrible, as a guy who can easily spend $10 on mcdonalds cheeseburgers i found it to be a satisfying and filling meal for the price ($10) . It was missing a few things I've come to expect at an indian buffet, such as butter chicken and samosa's. I have a feeling this is more to prevent wastage more than anything else because of their lack of business. We had almost finished our 2nd full plates of food before another diner came to the restaurant. But like matty I can only recommend Nasim's for their dinner and takeout. If you're in the neighbourhood and you don't want taco bell, hit nasims....otherwise...I wouldn't recommend going out of your way.


At the end of our meal I got some butterchicken for takeout. It wasn't my favorite. In fact between myself and Ang i'd say we hated it. It tasted more like a spicy, sour tomato sauce rather than the sumptous sweet and creamy flavour I expect. 4/10 on the butterchicken. 6/10 on the buffet




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