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Mango Shiva - March 15th, 2006

The whole idea behind Mango Shiva is that of fusion. Take the world’s tastiest food (curry) and combine it with non-traditional items. Then throw some mangos on top. It’s a little different, so we had to try it out. (matty)

Going in I was a little worried...especially when I found out it was on the nice end of downtown and not over in the shadows of the Homeless Hilton where most of the central indian joints are. (ren)

One of the reasons we haven’t eaten at Mango Shiva is the location. It’s downtown in the Penny Lane Entertainment district and parking is pain in the ass (even on a Wednesday night). I had to resort to holing my car at “Parking Nazis” (AKA Impark). They only give you two options a) Park for 3 hours for 6 dollars or b)All day for $27. How fair is that? Where’s my consumer option? Piss heads. Having just shelled out $37.50 for an Impark ticket a few weeks ago, I was that much more bitter. Can you tell? In addition to the fee, there appeared to be some hired goons on the lot to watch/steal your car. That is, until we realized that they were the news team from City TV. Goons. Anchormen. Really what’s the difference? One of them had a trident. (matty)

Its like a whole different world in downtown Calgary...skinny young people dressed like magazine people. Groups of divorcees discussing their "prospects"....a chinese dude working the kitchen in an indian restaurant. All the rules are flipped upside down. (ren)

Upon entering Mango Shiva, you quickly get an idea of what’s its all about. Instead of a second door, they have a silk bed sheet. They have funky mood lighting and a hostess with large breasts. Its all very “metrosexual” and doesn’t at all ream of dodgy. Although he won’t admit it, Ren thought about ordering a Cosmopolitan. Our waiter appeared to be the Indian personification of any one of the dudes from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Other then that, there was not a single person of subcontinent decent in the place. Clearly India Sweet House and Restaurant this was not. Nor was it the Curry House, thank Shiva. (matty)

My fears about the "fusion" menu were confirmed when we got our menus and the space dedicated to tasty food was almost doubled by the space dedicated to wine and other bevvies. Thats just strange. I don't remember if cosmopolitans were on the menu...but i don't understand mattys fear of this tasty martini-style drink. Maybe he's a homophobic little bitch. (ren)

The menu consists of 2 pages of food items and bizarrely, 3 pages of beverage items, mostly wine and various combinations of chai and alcohol. We recommend the mango lassi as always. They have a rose-water lassi but if you order this, you’re even more of a twisted ass freak then anyone who quaffs salted lassis. Later on Ren had a mango bellini which came in a champagne flute. If I were more of a man, I would have laughed at him. (matty)

We had some calamari for an appie....It was good...but not really that much better than any calamari with sauce. I had the Tikka Masala curry bowl with a skewer of lamb. I guess this was the only way the could "fusionize" this classic. Instead of cooking the meat in the sauce so it picks up the flavour and becomes delicious they cook it on a skewer so it tastes like itself...and the sauce and rice are just served in a bowl with this skewer on the side. The naan was strange. I think they must pre-make it and cut it into quarters because the pieces didn't match up...and didn't seem to be cooked or seasoned to the same level. (ren)

We decided on an appetizer; choosing the Coconut Flavored Calamari. I get tired of ordering pakoras and samosas for appies so this was a nice change and I was very impressed. I had heard about Mango Shiva’s Tandoori Arctic Char in FFWD magazine. As I’m off to Nunavut to do some dogsledding next month, I thought I would give it a try. It wasn’t terrible but it was far less exotic tasting then the name would dictate. Would I order it again? Debatable. My impression of Ren’s curry was equally unimpressive. The naan seemed to be inconsistent. Either horrible or good, depending on what part of it you ate. Maybe that’s part of the fusion motif. (matty)

All in all I wasn't that impressed. This would be a good restaurant to take a lady fan to help your chances. Its not that the food was bad...or that I can't stand to see my indian faves messed with (butter chicken pizza is one of my top experiments ever....and the infamous spolumbo's naan and cheese roll was amazing) just was a lot of money for a neat atmosphere and some pretty average food. (ren)

Overall, Mango Shiva is not so much a place to eat curry but rather a place to get laid. Will Ren and I be back? Not unless I’ve drastically miscalculated the nature of Ren and I’s friendship for the last 10 years. (Mind you, there was that one meal at Murrieta’s where Ren accused me of trying to romance him – Don’t ask) Next time I date a divorcee or fan of Sex in the City, I might take her to Mango Shiva and fill her full of red wine and rohyp…I mean, calamari. Guys, take it from us, Mango Shiva = Mango Panties. (matty)

Mango Shiva is a difficult place for us to rate. It’s a great atmosphere, which has decided to do something completely different. You have to admire that. That being said, in terms of flavour, the food is a little on the average side for what your paying for. It’s a toss up between 6 and 7 Elephantitis feet. I guess that’s a 6.5.

Not at the Restaurant:

  1. Traveling Chef Anthony Bourdain
  2. This Guy  <--------click for pic
  3. Marv Albert


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