Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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The Clay Oven - June 9th, 2006

Ang’s pick this time. There are two rules when eating curry with Ang: 1) the place must be distinctly undodgy. (It’s kind of like when your mom comes to visit. You hate cleaning the toilet but you know since it’s a woman of authority, you better conform or you’ll be raked over the coals at the bridge club. Or this case, at the SPCA. 2) She will always order butter chicken. (That’s right Ang, you’re not fooling anyone. Especially not my friend Max).(matty)

Finally, we get to eat at the clay oven. This is directly because because of ang being the grown-up of the bunch and reminding us that we actually need reservations here. (ren)

TiffinWe had tried to eat at the Clay Oven twice already, but it was booked solid once and being renovated another time. The Clay Oven is located in a bizarre strip mall in the northeast near the Sheraton
Cavalier. Adjacent to the restaurant is the Nigerian Cultural Association, the Alberta NDP office and our personal favorite SHWARMA KING!!! I could write an entire column about my experiences at Shwarma King but we don’t get enough in the way of financial support from the Lebanese. Come to think of it, we don’t even get anything from the Indian community. Who’s funding this operation anyways? (matty)

This place is packed at 7 PM and we are seated at the back of the restaurant as high paced Indian Techno music blares through the speakers. The message is clear. “Eat fast and get out – We’re in high demand”. The CBC had recommended either the Shahi Mutter Paneer or the Bhindi Tori – an okra, potato and tomato dish. I figured Ren would probably pick the first dish so I went with the Bhindi Tori. They give you a choice of mild, medium, hot or Madras Special. Everywhere I’ve ever eaten, Madras = Medium spice and full of flavor. Unfortunately at the The Clay Oven, Madras apparently means: “Let’s take the agonizing experience of eating Chili Chicken and package it into whatever other dish you pick”. Needless to say, I did not enjoy my meal and could hardly finish half of it. (Ang mocked me.) The CBC also noted that the Clay Oven has the best naan in the city. Unfortunately, I forgot this and went with the rice. We also got some Fish Pakoras and the staple Mango Lassi. The Pakoras were excellent. The lassi average. (matty)

I can't even remember what I had...some kind of creamy chicken dish. Kinda like butter chicken but spicier. WAY spicier. Not nearly as spicy as matts though. I was doin ok with mine when matt offered me a taste of his dish. Never one to turn down a challenge, i had a big chunk of potato and then proceeded to need to order us each a giant Tiger Beer. Normally not my favourite, but in this case it was sucked down like I meant it. Had trouble finishing my dish after the mouth-shock that matts gave me. Like matt said, the pakoras were delish, and the naan was tasty...wouldn't say best in town but pretty damn good. (ren)

Just after we had completed our order, out came the all-time most underated Indian dish – THE SIZZLER!!!! Followed by another and another and another. As if to mock my choice in meals, it seem everyone in the restaurant was eating one. Giant sizzling platters of vegetables, chicken, beef and prawns. Curses. Maybe next time. (matty)

My dish was so hot that I drank my lassi within 2 minute prompting Ren to order 2 giant bottle of Tiger Beer. By that time I was so bloated I couldn’t finish either the beer or my meal. Just a disaster of an experience. (matty)

On the plus side, we thought the waitress was hot and we were impressed by the “girls night out” table that also decided to dine at the Clay Oven. Quite frankly, other then potentially a Friday night at Mango Shiva, this tops my list of where to pick up women while dining on curry. Ultimately, the Clay Oven disappointed me food-wise and we can’t give it more then 5 elephantitis feet out of 10.

Not at the Restaurant

1. Frank Grimes (of Simpsons fame)
2. Johann Gutenberg (Inventor of the Printing Press)
3. SIN # 956 394 103 (Wanted for tax evasion)


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