Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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Fiann McCool's Pub Curry - January 15th, 2006 Sheraton Hotel - Eau Claire

I got a call from our dentistry friend, Dr. Jeff Bilodeau. To call him Dr. Bilodeau is a bit odd because while he is a dentist and his last name is "Bilodeau", he's more precisely described as a drinking buddy and fellow dumbass. Anyways, it's his 30th Birthday and he's decided that he better get ruined with Ren and I. A noble cause. We headed to the Irish Pub Downtown at the Sheraton to drink beer and eat curry. We convinced Jeff to write his own damn review. Just because he's like a 100 years older than us doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to contribute to this website. Well, that and we're too freaking lazy to do a review this week...

Umm- here goes- Friday was a big day for me- I began my fourth decade of life. Yes people you may weep, Jeff Bilodeau is 30. My good friends Matt and Ren set forth to venture for new curries in the location of Calgary. As they have been like everywhere and have eaten like the definition of inifinity of curry in Calgary there's not much left to try. So we went to the Pub in the Sheraton in O-Claire to check it out. Ren had Liver sans onions. Liver is not curry- sorry to be the one to have to point that one out Ren. Matt had what I was going to order, Some kinda Curry that I forget the name on but I'm sure Matt will edit this for me. I had the Vegitarian "Vallhalla Taj Mahal". OK I don't know how to pronounce or even spell it, but it was good. If you have issues with your comfort zone, and going to a doggy east indian restaraunt in some stripmall located in a part of town that looks like a good place to buy crack and ordering off of a menu that you can't even read (for me that's like McDonalds) I would suggest "what ever that pubs name is".  
After that I suggested we go to an opium den. But being hard to locate such things in Calgary, Matt with his keen sense of direction found us a place with "the turkish water pipe". We smoked some orange flavored tobbaco and it was pretty good. I'm sure Matt and Ren will write about that in detail so I will give it my four out of five Chuck Norris rating.

Yikes. What we're we thinking? Apparently they don't teach grammar at Dentistry School. Can you say run-on-sentence? Oh well. Jeff also provided us with 30 facts about Chuck Norris and Roundhouse kicks to the face, but really, this has nothing to do with curry. That being said, I'd love to see Bollywood do a version of Walker: Texas Ranger.

Click here to see "Akbar: Mumbai Ranger"

My summation of the pub curry: I had Chicken Tikka Masala. The menu advertised the dish as the UK's most popular curry dish. This much is true. That being said, it tasted nothing like the dish in England. On the plus side, it was spicier and more flavourful than most dishes that Indian people serve us on a weekly basis. No Faranging us here. I would order it again. Also, never go to a pub that serves Liver (+/-Onions) with Ren. He'll make you try the liver. Seriously people, I was having flashbacks of my German speaking Oma and Opa making me eat "Leber" at the age of 5. After all, they ate it in the old country and it kept them alive. It must be good. Wrong

Curry Rating: 8/10 (Points for originality and flavour)

Liver Rating: 4/10 (Points for detoxification capabilities and strong retinoid and ferric tastes)

Not present at either the restaurant nor at the Shisha Bar:

  1. Chuck Norris
  2. Hassam Shogei (the Persian guy from my high school who was in love with white Canadian rapper "Snow")
  3. Moe Berg (Lead Singer of "The Pursuit of Happiness")


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