Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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Rajdoot - August 1st, 2006

We’ve been on hiatus for the last month. First with Stampede and secondly with me moving into my new house. I’m fortunate to have friends like Ren who are willing to help me move. To thank him, I let him take me out for curry. (matty)

He was supposed to take me out for Thai hookers...but the relative risks of that are a little greater than the risks of dodgy curry so we skipped it. Also, we have no idea where to find a Thai hooker, other than at a T-Model Ford concert. (ren)

Rajdoot is in Mission. Every good city has an area like Mission. Munich has Schwabing. San Fran has the Marina. London: Notting Hill. New York probably has a dozen that I’ve never heard of. Its that area where people seem just a little bit ahead of the trends and aren’t afraid to show off their poshness. It usually means undodgy food at a premium price. (matt)

Gilbert Gottfried!We decided to bring along ang's pharmacy student Amanda Huggenkiss. She can always be counted on for numerous tales about West Indian cuisine (i don't think she understands that those are the wrong kind of indians :P) the city of Halifax and her pal Godfrey. For the longest time I thought she was referring to Gilbert Gottfried, the horribly annoying comic....but she wasn't. (ren)

We started our night off at the Joyce on 4th.A stellar pub with the best couch-chairs in the world. (matty)
Unfortunately this pub is a classic example of the top-shelf pricing in this type of neighbourhood. Pint of stella $8, pint of Smithwicks $7, pint of GRASSHOPPER $7. Thats pretty outrageous for a locally brewed beer in my opinion. (ren)

The ambiance at Rajdoot is quite inviting and does well to breakdown a lot of the fears people have about eating Indian food. The kitchen has a giant glass window so you can watch the tandoor chef perfect his craft. Newbies: You’ll note a lack of rats in the kitchen. I’m personally glad not to have a glass window at my job. It would only result in people taking less medication. That and likely filing complaints with the College of Pharmacists. Thank God for malpractice insurance. The menus have an excellent dissertation on the rules of Indian food. (Ie. Use your hands, all dishes need rice or naan, let your waiter know your level of curry experience, suitcases full of rupees are not excepted as payment etc) (matty)

As usual I was tempted by the buffet. It didn't seem to have a lot of items, but enough to give you a good selection of tastes. Next time maybe. (ren)

Ren and I had mango lassis. Amanda, perhaps forgetting that we are the experts, scoffed at our warnings against it, and opted to go for the salted lassi. (Read: Twisted Ass Freak). This only resulted in her being disappointed, disgusted and giving up after 3 sips. Ours were okay but nothing special. (matt)

After Amanda's salted lassi convinced me that I should never EVER try new things, I decided to get the Lamb Rogan Josh. It was very well made with a nice thick sauce and a fair bit more green pepper than most I've had. The rice was very tasty and the naan was perfect. Rogan Josh is a great dish for a curry newbie because it's never too spicy and its pretty hard to screw up. Also the heavy tomato base isn't too different than more familiar western dishes, just a little more curryified. Downside of picking it on a review trip is that its also not really a dish that can stand out....its pretty much always "pretty good" , "good" or "just ok", never terrible or fantastic. (ren)

RajdootMy pick was Malai Kofta Tibet. Nothing special really but by no means horrible. Ren’s dish was likely better. Also tempting were the 6 or 7 seafood dishes, which they had. The Naan was pretty close to perfect and because of it I wanted to go behind the glass window and give the Tandoor chef a hug. Ren advised me against badgering the kitchen staff. After the meal, the box of after dinner mints/caraway seed/anise was a nice touch. (matty)

Overall, this was perhaps one on the safest places to go or bring people for their first curry. Its up there with the Taj and maybe Moti Mahal in catering to the those who are wanting to dip their toes into the river Masala without having to tread water while their eyes burn from vindaloo. (If you have inadvertently gotten vindaloo in your eyes, I am available for consultation at the poison center: 944-1414.) You have to learn to float before swimming in the white water. (matty)

I have no idea what the hell he is talking about. But I agree it was a good safe pick. I'd take my mother there to eat. Heck...I'd take YOUR mother there to eat. And despite our concerns about the price I personally found it to be quite reasonable. Not cheapy-cheapy like a dominican barterer, but I felt like I got the right value for the money. (ren)

We give it a 7/10. A good place but not nearly dodgy enough for enthusiasts walking the narrow tightrope between food borne illness and tasty.

Not at the Restaurant:

1. Zindane (Disgracing the occasion)
2. Doc Holiday
3. Madame Toner (My elementary school librarian. She made us look at her slides from her trip to Israel. Damn her.)



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