Dodgy Curry - Ren & Matt's Curry Reviews


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India Restaurant and Sweethouse - revisited August 14th, 2005

Went to try this restaurant out again.  The first time was no fluke.  Food was amazing and super-cheap.  Still wouldn't take my mother, but I would bring her take-out from here.  When we arrived we made our order and took our seats.  We then were delivered the remote control for the tv and were told to watch whatever we pleased.  Very nice. 

I had the shahi paneer again, chelsea had the palak paneer, and Mark had the goat curry.  All three dishes were very tasty, and the naan came out as fast as we could munch it down.   

Interesting thing we learned.  They make their palak paneer (spinach and cheese) with a healthy dose of green canola leaves.  Apparently they go out to a field and take a bunch of canola leaves, boil em for about an hour, then puree them with the spinach.  This apparently is similar to how they make it back in the Punjab where they use mustard leaves.  (of course i could have totally misheard him...but i think thats what was said) So there....just one more way that rape seed is driving the global economy.


Stealing Canola!


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