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Saffron - April 12th, 2007

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. NHL PLAYOFFS. To celebrate the Flames being in the playoffs, we thought we’d get some takeout and watch Game 1 of the Calgary-Detroit series. Admittedly, I was comatose most of the day due to the epic quadruple overtime match that kept me up until 1:30 the night previous. It’s my personal goal to watch the longest game of all time. (Matt)

Since I'm finally writing my share of this review a month after Matt's portion....we all know the Flames are out.  Bastards.  (ren)

Ren was responsible for pickup this time but I still had to check out the place. I took an extra long lunch break and found Saffron at the back of Dalbrent Plaza, across from Winston Churchill High School. I walked in and noted that despite being a take out place, Saffron was in no way shady. A giant dark oak table in the middle of the foyer, almost too nice to sit at, is available for people while they wait. I found the owner hard at work preparing Beef Vindaloo. I introduced myself and grabbed a take out menu. She explained to me that you can get Butter Chicken and Dhal daily and then depending on the day of the week, they have daily made specials. Today was Vindaloo, Jeera Chicken, Aloo Mattar and Stuffed Eggplant. (matt)

I must say I really like the online menu for these takeout places.  (Note: the site was working last month but seems to be down now!) Makes it soooooo much easier to decide on what you want.  Especially for a place like this (or Baba) that has the menu rotating depending on the day of the week. (ren)

Later in the afternoon, I phoned Ren with my order of Jeera Chicken which I last had a Nasim’s (our first ever review). I loved it because it was loaded with cilantro. I hoped that the same would hold true this time. (matt)

I really didn't feel like frying my asshairs with the vindaloo so I decided to go with the butter chicken.  Add on some rice and I was ready to roll.  When I phoned it in they asked for 45 minutes to prepare our orders because they were just making a fresh batch of butter chicken.  Sounded good to me....except that I'm an impatient jerk and still showed up at the 30 minute mark.  Waited about 15 more minutes and got my food to take home. (ren)

Since the game was in Detroit, it started early at 5PM and pretty much everyone in Calgary was racing home at ridiculous speeds so they wouldn’t miss the start. Its lucky the entire police department was patrolling the Red Mile or there would have been a few nasty speeding tickets handed out. While I weaved in and out of traffic, I cycled thru a number of radio stations and sadly had to settle for “Our Love’s in Jeopardy”. Bizarre. I think Weird Al did a spoof of it called “I Lost on Jeopardy”. Not one of his better songs.(matt)

Newcastle Brown AleWhen I arrived at Ren’s place, he offered me a Newcastle Brown ale and then we opened our take out orders. Ren’s butter chicken sauce was a bizarre pink, spawning a discussion about Manly Salmon vs. Girly Pink. My Jeera chicken was alright but a little watery and lacking the distinct cilantro taste I remember from Nasims. (matt)

Yeah...the butter chicken was literally a creamy pink colour.  The kind of shade that an expectant parent paints their nursery when they want the child to have nightmares.  The taste was pretty good....although I hate to say it...probably a little too heavy on the cream and not enough spice.  The Newcastle beers were fantastic however they were not supplied by the restaurant so they do nothing to help their score. (ren)

The Flames went on to get routed and so that kinda spoiled things for us. Matt wanted to give Saffron a 6 but Ren tried to barter it up to a generous the end though....that pink butter chicken keeps it at a 6. 




Not at the restaurant

  1. Yorick (Hamlet: Act 5, Scene 1)
  2. Mr. Do Bee (Romper Room)
  3. Miner 49er (Classic Video Game Hero)





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